Team Red Miner 0.10.21: Download, Setup and Commands

Get step-by-step instructions for setting up TeamRedMiner.

In this guide, you will learn how to set up and use the TimRedMiner 0.10.21 and newer software for mining cryptocurrencies.

Download for Windows / Linux

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TeamRedMiner review

TeamRedMiner is an AMD-exclusive mining software developed by programmers Todxx and Kerney666.

This software can mine cryptocurrencies such as Pyrin, Ravencoin, Grin, Zcoin and others.

It is a command line program. This means that you run it from either the Windows command line or the Linux console, or you create shortcuts to predefined command lines using a Linux Bash script or Windows command (.bat) file.

How to set up TeamRedMiner

Step 1 - Download the miner

First, you need to download the software from this GitHub Release link. Make sure you select the correct file for your OS. If you have Linux, download the .tar.gz file, if you have Windows, download the .zip file.

Step 2 - Set up a batch file for Ravencoin mining

You need to choose the correct config file (batch file) depending on the algorithm that you want to use for mining. For example start_kawpow .bat file will look like this:

teamredminer.exe -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u RKzUGLFtdMUQgCstmufnWamA5RwN74yHU8.trmtest -p x

Step 3 - Stat TimRedMiner

Edit this file (replace the wallet address RKzUGLFtdMUQgCstmufnWamA5RwN74yHU8 with yours). You can also change the mining URL, i.e. choose another pool. Then save as a batch file - .bat- if you are on Windows or as a bash file - .sh- if you are on Linux

Video Guide

Team Red Miner Pyrin Setup

stratum stratum+tcp://
PORT: 1177
Username: Wallet address
Password: Worker Password

To set up a batch file for pyrin, we need to enter 6 commands one by one:

teamredminer batch file

  1. teamredminer.exe - the name of the program that will launch. Please note that the batch file itself must be located in the same folder as the program itself
  2. -a pyrin - after the -a key we indicate the algorithm for mining. In this example, pyrin, so pyrin is specified
  3. -o stratum+tcp:// - specify the pool address. This example uses herominers.
  4. :1177 - after the colon we indicate the pool port. For herominers it is 1177.
  5. -u pyrin:qrwzxl4640kw2vt9u9js8hrgr4zz5s6vqakhl0j6sgypmgp7uzf82az598rmq - after -u we write the address of our wallet to which mining will take place.
  6. .trmtest - indicate the name of the worker after the dot. You can specify any value. It is needed for the name of the farm, when you will track statistics on the pool.

This is what the TeamRedMiner batch file for pyrin will look like on the pool:

teamredminer.exe -a pyrin -o stratum+tcp:// -u pyrin:qrwzxl4640kw2vt9u9js8hrgr4zz5s6vqakhl0j6sgypmgp7uzf82az598rmq.trmtest -p x

NiceHash Config

Here is a batch file for NiceHesh:

teamredminer.exe -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u 3LZhp4g3m7YWqR4hAPrZsKWbyo7hRBmqvy.trmtest -p x

batch file for NiceHesh

This is an example for RVN:

batch file for NiceHesh example

  1. kawpow - indicate the mining algorithm. In this case, Ravencoin
  2. - specify the pool server for nicehash
  3. 3385 - we write the port from the pool
  4. 3LZhp4g3m7YWqR4hAPrZsKWbyo7hRBmqvy - and a wallet. Important! To mine for nice hash, you need to specify your BTC wallet, and not the coin you are mining.

A finished config example:

teamredminer.exe -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u 3LZhp4g3m7YWqR4hAPrZsKWbyo7hRBmqvy.trmtest -p x

Triple Mining Ergo, Kaspa, and Zilliqa on AMD GPUs with TeamRedMiner
Triple Mining Ergo, Kaspa, and Zilliqa on AMD GPUs with TeamRedMiner. To start triple mining, you need to download and unpack the TeamRedMiner program, and then execute the corresponding batch script. In the script it is necessary to specify wallet addresses for each of the three cryptocurrencies, as well as the name of the worshipper. For Hive OS users, it is necessary to create a "flight sheet" and specify the wallet address for Ergo, as well as select the pool settings.
teamredminer.exe -a autolykos2 -o stratum+tcp:// -u 9hEq42Jrr21uHJehvUNZ7uuo9429EEKb6WPSG9y7SargP3wF9rp.trmtest -p x --kas -o stratum+tcp:// -u kaspa:qrkqwe4kzpd8hv3l4fatgzyzj4l3yygrs2yqx4nvz08lsgzdpqc8zt302prna.trmtest -p x --kas_end --zil -o stratum+tcp:// -u 0x02101Ff031529661dcAb36614d0Fa5a76e4721B4.zil1x4j2tk87t650v3fym03adr9ph833g9ptrt6dn3.trmtest_zil -p x --zil_end

Algorithms and fees

GPU Algorithm Fee
Ethash on Polaris GPUs 0.75%
Ethash on all other GPUs 1.0%
Kawpow 2.0%
Abel on Polaris, RDNA2/3 1.0%
Abel on Vega, Navi10 2.0%
Abel on VII, MI50/60/100s 3.0%
Verthash 2.0%
Autolykos2 2.0%
Ton 1.0%
Alephium 1.0%
Kaspa 1.0%
Karlsen 1.0%
Pyrin 1.0%
Ironfish 1.0%
Nimiq 2.5%
Cryptonight R 2.5%
Cryptonight v8 upx2 2.5%
Cryptonight v8 turtle 2.5%
Cryptonight v8 half 2.5%
Cryptonight v8 double 2.5%
Cryptonight v8 rwz 2.5%
Cryptonight v8 2.5%
Cryptonight heavy 2.5%
Cryptonight haven 2.5%
Cryptonight saber 2.5%
Cryptonight conceal 2.5%
Chukwa-512 (Turtlecoin) 2.5%
Chukwa-1024 (Turtlecoin) 2.5%
x16r 2.5%
x16rv2 2.5%
x16s 2.5%
x16rt 2.5%
MTP 2.5%
Cuckatoo31 2.5%
Cuckarood29 2.5%
Lyra2rev3 2.5%
Lyra2z 3.0%
Phi2 3.0%
How To Mine CLORE AI - GPU Mining, Windows, HiveOS
How to mine CLORE AI cryptocurrency using GPUs on Windows and HiveOS platforms.


--algo or a short synonym for this command -a - Selects the mining algorithm.

Important! Use either a long synonym --algo or a short one -a. You do not need to use this and that together.

-h, --help - display help information and exit.


TeamRedMiner R MODE! RX 5700's are now the most efficient GPU for Ethereum Mining

R-mode greatly improves efficiency for ethash mining on a range of AMD gpus. It is the most complex and advanced work we've done to date. It is linux only.


At this point we do not anticipate being able to port it to windows.

R-mode contains a number of elements coercing the hardware into working better in an ethash mining setup. In other words, we’re hacking around quite hard. The upside is most definitely worth it. However, the downside is that in rare cases the combination of rig hardware, gpus, opencl version, kernel module simply doesn’t work well. We expect R-mode to work in maybe 95-97% of all cases. When it works as expected, it generally runs very stable.

Teamredminer Alternatives

CPU mining:

Flash bios program:










Major new release now adding support for FPGA ethash mining.

README highlights:

  • Added initial FPGA ethash support. See FPGA_GUIDE.txt for details.


Maintenance release with network improvements. No algo changes. No need to upgrade unless you have network issues, see changes below.

README highlights:

  • General: added offline benchmark mode for (almost) all algos (see --benchmark).
  • Network: improved situations with the Dev pool failed to connect. error message appearing.
  • Users in China should preferably run with --dev_location=cn.
  • Network: added experimental support for DNS-over-HTTPS (see --dns_https and --dns_https_sni).

  • Autolykos2: emergency release to support larger pad size from block 614400. Some GPUs (mainly Vegas) will need higher core clocks to achieve the same performance as previous versions due to larger pads breaking some previous optimizations. More optimizations to come in future releases.
  • Autolykos2: added argument --autolykos_ignore_diff for certain pools that aren’t compatible with the ERGO reference miner pool implementation.
  • Progpow: fixed wrong --help text for --prog_micro_tune.

  • Firopow/MTP: added a synthetic algo ‘mtp_firopow’ that will use the correct algo given the system time and shut down the miner at the time of the Firo fork on Oct 26.
  • Ethash/progpow: split the ethash and progpow algos into separate binaries, mainly for some Vegas that ran into stability issues going from 0.8.5 to 0.8.6.
  • Autolykos2: added support for Tonga.
  • Advanced SSL usage: changed the default SSL behavior to not provide a SNI hostname during handshake. This simplifies running tunnels against TLS/SSL ports on public pools. See the updated --help section on the -o argument for how to force a SNI hostname being sent.



6 minute read

Matthew Wood

Matthew Wood

Blockchain developer and crypto trader