CryptoDredge Miner: Download & Configure for Mining [2022]

Crypto Dredge: Customize for Maximum Profits, Config and Intensity.

This guide covers how to start and how to use the latest version of CryptoDredge 0.27.0 and higher.

Download for Windows / Linux

Download from site Download from Github Download from BitcoinTalk

What is CryptoDredge?

CryptoDredge – is a highly optimized cryptocurrency miner for Nvidia GPUs. It is available for both Windows and Linux mining. In addition to using various optimization techniques to increase the hash rate, the CryptoDredge team also pays attention to ensuring consistent power consumption. Supports many different algorithms.

The software works only with video cards of the NVIDIA family.

How to set up CryptoDredge

Step 1 - Download the miner

There are two options to download the miner:

  1. Official website of the developer.
  2. On the GitHub site.

On GitHub releases, scroll down to "Assets" and download the latest version available.


Unzip the file and extract the files to a new folder (make sure your antivirus is not deleting files).


Step 2 - Configure the miner

After extraction, in the same folder as cryptodredge.exe, you need to create a file with the extension .bat or edit the finished one. Open the .bat file with Notepad. Below is a sample setup for NiceHash. You need to add the following commands to it:

@echo off
title (rvn) - nicehash
cryptodredge -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u 3P7qADz69quhfyK5e9kvfno6Jyjq4Rcocx -p x --log 1.txt

Instead P7qADz69quhfyK5e9kvfno6Jyjq4Rcocx just paste in your wallet address from your NiceHash account.

The file with the extension .bat is created in any text editor.

Step 3 - Run the miner

The program is launched in a standard way: double-click the left mouse button on the file with the extension .bat. After starting, a window opens with an indication of all the entered parameters. There will be enough of them to start mining tokens. Just double click it, a terminal window will appear and you start mining!


Video Guide

Mine on Nvidia? Read about configuring NBminer and LolMiner. Perhaps they are more profitable.

Setting up for Ravencoin

Here’s a complete setup example:


  1. CryptoDredge - starts the program.
  2. kawpow - indicate the cryptocurrency mining algorithm.
  3. - we indicate the address of the pool.
  4. 6060 - we specify the port of the pool.
  5. RKAeArXkWLNERjWo5YF3R1xFnYCwKf11sX - we paste the crypto wallet of the token. You can use an exchange or cold wallet at your own discretion.


@echo off
title KawPow (RVN) - 2miners pool
CryptoDredge -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u RKAeArXkWLNERjWo5YF3R1xFnYCwKf11sX -p x


How To Mine and Stake Equilibria



  • argon2d-dyn,
  • argon2d-nim,
  • argon2d250,
  • argon2d4096,
  • chukwa,
  • chukwa2,
  • cnconceal,
  • cnfast2,
  • cngpu,
  • cnhaven,
  • cnheavy,
  • cntlo,
  • cnturtle,
  • cnupx2,
  • cnzls,
  • kawpow,
  • mtp,
  • mtp-tcr

Configuration via Config.json

  1. Open the config.json file with Notepad.
  2. Find and change the following lines: "url: "[pool address]"
    "user: "[wallet address]"
    Instead of [wallet address] just paste your wallet address. Be sure to save the quotes with the quotation marks. If you don’t have a wallet yet, you can learn how to create a wallet here.
    Instead of [pool address], you will need to select a mining pool. You can read more about mining pools here. Again, be sure to keep the quotation marks.!
  3. Save the file and run CryptoDredge.exe for Windows. or ./CryptoDredge for Linux.

Command line arguments

  -h, --help                   Print help information
  -v, --version                Print version information
  -a, --algo arg               Specify algorithm to use: argon2d-dyn,
                               argon2d-nim, argon2d250, argon2d4096, chukwa, chukwa2,
                               cnconceal, cnfast2, cngpu, cnhaven, cnheavy,
                               cntlo, cnturtle, cnupx2, cnzls, kawpow, mtp,
  -o, --url arg                URL of mining pool
  -x, --proxy arg              Connecting through a proxy. Syntax:
                               protocol://[user:password@]proxyhost[:port]. For example:
                               -x socks5://proxyuser:[email protected]:1080.
                               Only Socks5 is currently supported.
      --cert arg               Mining pool server certificate path
      --sni                    Enable SNI (Server Name Indication) for the
                               pool connection
  -u, --user arg               Username for mining pool
  -p, --pass arg               Password/Options for mining pool
  -i, --intensity arg          Mining intensity (0.0 - 8.0). For example: -i
                               N[,N] (default: 6)
  -q, --recompute arg          Memory reduction factor (1 - 32) (argon2d-nim
                               only). For example: -q N[,N] (default: 368)
  -d, --device arg             List of comma-separated device IDs to use for
                               mining. IDs are numbered 0,1...,N - 1
      --log arg                Log output to file
      --no-color               Force color off
      --no-nvml                Force nvml off
      --no-watchdog            Force watchdog off
      --no-crashreport         Force crash reporting off
  -r, --retries arg            N number of times to retry if a network call
                               fails, -1 retry indefinitely (default: -1)
  -R, --retry-pause arg        N time to pause between retries, in seconds
                               (default: 15)
      --timeout arg            N network timeout, in seconds (default: 300)
      --cpu-priority arg       Set process priority in the range 0 (low) to 5
                               (high) (default: 3)
      --api-type arg           API type: ccminer-tcp (ccminer 2.3 TCP),
                               ccminer-ws (ccminer 2.3 WebSocket), off (default:
  -b, --api-bind arg           IP:port for the miner API, 0 disabled
      --hashrate arg           Expected hashrate in kH/s (argon2d-nim only)
                               (default: 0)
  -c, --config arg             JSON configuration file to use (default:
      --optimizer arg          Run optimizer, currently for argon2d-nim only:
                               auto (Run if gpu.json does not exist), force
                               (Run always), off (default: auto)
      --temperature-limit arg  GPU limit temperature, 0 disabled (default: 0)
      --temperature-start arg  GPU resume temperature, 0 disabled (default:


Most problems usually arise from outdated GPU drivers. If the miner doesn’t work or can’t detect your GPU, try updating your drivers to the latest versions!


Many Nvidia miners require CUDA to work properly. You should download and install the latest CUDA toolkit for your Nvidia card.



  • Add FiroPoW Algorithm;
  • Add Ethash Algorithm;
  • Add --worker option;
  • Remove no longer supported algorithms. Check Readme for more information.



4 minute read

Matthew Wood

Matthew Wood

Blockchain developer and crypto trader