MiniZ 2.3c: Download and configure (LHR) for mining

Miniz miner: how to set up and how to run with LHR unlock.

This guide covers how to start and how to use the latest MiniZ version v2.3c and higher.

Download for Windows / Linux

Download from site Download from Github Download from BitcoinTalk

What is MiniZ?

MiniZ – is a fast miner focused on Ethash, KawPoW and Equihash algorithms for Nvidia GPUs for Windows and Linux mining. The developer fee for mining with miniZ is 2% and it is used for mining Ethereum, Ravencoin, Flux and other cryptocurrencies.

A table with the developer’s commission is provided below:

Algorithm Developer Fee
Equihash 2%
ProgPoW 1%
Ethash 0.75%
EthashB3 1%
Octopus 2%
KarlsenHash 0.8%
PyrinHash 0.8%
kHeavyHash 0.8%


Algorithm Variant Supported by
Equihash <144,5> (Zhash) NVIDIA & AMD
Equihash <125,4> (ZelHash) NVIDIA & AMD
Equihash <144,5s> NVIDIA
Equihash <210,9> NVIDIA
Equihash <192,7> (Equihash Heavy) NVIDIA
Equihash <150,5> NVIDIA
Equihash <96,5> NVIDIA
ProgPoW (KawPoW…) NVIDIA & AMD
Ethash (Ethash) NVIDIA & AMD
Octopus NVIDIA
KarlsenHash NVIDIA
PyrinHash NVIDIA
kHeavyHash NVIDIA & AMD


  • Requires at least 2 GB of video memory.
  • Make sure your Nvidia drivers are up to date

The usage of MiniZ Miner

Step 1 - Download the miner

Download miner from official sources:

  1. Go to the site. Find the "Downloads" table:


  2. Download the most recent version from the top of the spreadsheet for Windows 10.
  3. Unpack the downloaded archive to a convenient location. Enter archive password: miniZ


Step 2 - Configure MiniZ

After you've unpacked the archive, you need to create the .bat files.


In the same folder as miniz.exe, you need to create a file with the extension .bat.

Just create any .txt file and give it the extension .bat.

Open the .bat file with Notepad. Below is an example of a setup for Ravencoin. You need to add the following commands to it:

miniZ.exe --url=RKzUGLFtdMUQgCstmufnWamA5RwN74yHU8[email protected]:6060--log --extra

Instead RKzUGLFtdMUQgCstmufnWamA5RwN74yHU8 just paste your wallet address.

Step 3 - Run the miner

Now all that remains is to run the program.

Important note! You are not running the program miniz.exe. Instead, you click on the file you just created with the extension .bat.

So, after starting the program for a few minutes, you will see a window with a hashrate:

ZANO Mining on miniZ Miner | How To Mine Zano in HiveOS | Complete Setup | Hashrate, Overclocks

Setting up a batch file for Nicehash


  1. 3P7qADz69quhfyK5e9kvfno6Jyjq4Rcocx - we indicate the crypto wallet from the NiceHash account..
  2. - we indicate the address of the mining pool.
  3. 3385 - we specify the port of the pool



.\miniZ.exe --algo kawpow [email protected]:3385
timeout /t 3
goto loop

Source: - configure MiniZ.

How to mine coins?


miniZ.exe --url=pyrin:qrwzxl4640kw2vt9u9js8hrgr4zz5s6vqakhl0j6sgypmgp7uzf82az598rmq[email protected]:1177 --log --extra


miniZ.exe --url=karlsen:qp767rze6vufuptecca3z0lm0l8utz58edwen9wtv4tda6lc0edvyaquulf9t[email protected]:2020 --log --extra


miniZ.exe --url=kaspa:qrkqwe4kzpd8hv3l4fatgzyzj4l3yygrs2yqx4nvz08lsgzdpqc8zt302prna[email protected]:1206 --log --extra

Bitcoin Gold:

miniZ.exe --url=GdF7z6dEU3vXfjecVPiEsTea1o59P9tCi8[email protected]:4040 --log --extra


miniZ.exe --url=0xee7ce6f21d13e3e4e1ab5a68e31984f31cbedd10[email protected]:3454 --log --extra


New RTX 3060 Mining Unlock ETH

My 3060 EVGA with MSI Afterburner, power limit 67% 113 watts, Core clock -500, Memory clock +1255, Eff/Watt is 434.1. It averages 49.08 MHs. Less than 4 rejects per 1500 shares accepted. Hope it works for you.


MiniZ on HiveOS mining ETH RTX 3060 nerfed.

I get about 49 mh/s with my 3060. In windows using driver 470. 05 and with dummy hdmi plug.

3060 LHR Unlock Problems MiniZ Miner

Solved! If you are trying the miniZ miner I was having trouble with one so I let it run overnight and the hash rate bounced around until it finally settled at 41. It was going up and down as low as 18 before it stabilized. Just FYI.


How to mine BITCOINZ with your PC - Mine Cryptocurrencies in less than 5 minutes!

*Important : The BITCOINZ team will possibly discontinue the mobile android bitcoinz wallet because there are now many multiwallet android options with more modern features like Coinomi, Vidulum, Tent , SafePay, AtomicDEX and more.


  • Ethash
  • Equihash


Performance (Sol/s)
GPU 96,5 144,5 125,4 150,5 192,7 210,9 150,5,3 144,5 s
GT 710 2 GB 0,354 К <1 - - - 2.1 - -
МХ230 2 GB 2.3 К 4.2 - - - - - -
GTX 1050 2 GB 7,1 K 19,4 - - 10.0 83,2 - 3,6
GTX 1050 Ti 4 GB 7,8 K 20,7 12,4 7.9 11,7 89,4 12,8 6,8
GTX 1060 3 GB 12,4 K 36,4 21,2 14.0 20,4 141,9 21,3 8,7
GTX 1660 Ti 6 GB 15,2 K 47,0 31,4 20,8 26,9 190,9 29,9 16,4
GTX 1070 8 GB - 60,3 38,0 25,7 34,9 221,0 38,6 17,8
GTX 1070 Ti 8 GB 21,4 K 63,9 39,8 28,0 37,2 228,4 40,8 20,1
GTX 1080 8 GB 22,7 K 68,9 41,9 28,9 38,5 251,8 42,2 19,7
GTX 1080 Ti 11 GB 28,3 K 95,5 58,8 40,4 55,0 376,1 59,3 29,2
RTX 2070 8 GB 21,2 K 75,8 50,8 35,2 45,6 293,1 51,9 24,5
RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB 38,3 K 133,2 89,7 60,7 80,1 493,9 90,0 43,5
RTX 3090 24 GB - - - - - 567,8 - -

Table 1. Performance on stock settings.

Commands, parameters and options

Below is the documentation for the main options.

General information:

--version       (-v  )      Print miniZ version information.
--help          (-h  )      Print this help on screen and quit.
--cuda-info     (-ci )      List all available CUDA devices (GPUs) information on screen.

Device options:

--cuda-devices [devices]    Enable CUDA mining on specific devices, separated by spaces.
  -cd [devices]
--cuda-exclude [devices]    Include all devices except the ones specified, space separated.
  -cde [devices]
--tempunits=[Temp. unit]    Shows temperature in Celsius (C) or Fahrenheit (F).
--templimit=[Temp. value]   Temperature limit at which mining will suspend for one minute.
							 You can specify temperature in Celsius (C) or Fahrenheit (F).

Mining pool connection options:

--user=[username]           Mining pool username/wallet (DEPRECATED).
  -u [username]
--worker=[worker]           Alternate way to specify worker.
--server=[[ssl://]server]   Server address, usually pool address (DEPRECATED).
  -l [[ssl://]server]
--port=[port]               Server port (DEPRECATED).
--pass=[password]           Password (default: x).
  -p [password]
--url=[[ssl://]user@server:port]      Preferred way to specify all the three previous arguments:
							 [ssl://]username + server + port
--cleanjobs                 Only accept clean jobs.
--stale=[stale=100]         stale>100 improves performance slightly, stale<100 reduces #stale shares.
--jobtimeout=[seconds=300]  If miner does not get new jobs for this time, it will disconnect from pool.
--retries=[retries=3]       Number of times to retry connection to an unvailable pool.
--retrydelay=[seconds=60]   Time between reconnection to an unvailable pool.
--quit-disconnect             Quit on disconnection from pool or file `quit-miniZ` is detected.

Algorithm options:

--par=[parameters]          Algorithm parameters: 96,5|144,5|125,4|150,5|150,5,3|144,5s|192,7|210,9
							 or progpow|ethash
--pers=[pers_string]        Personalisation string (or etchash|veil|sero|zano|VeriBlock).
--smart-pers                Use personalisation "auto" if available.

Display options:

--coolui                    Alternative nice look for miniZ
--nocolour                  Remove colours from console.
--colour                    Keep colours on logfile.
--gpu-line                  Lists each GPU information in a different line.
--pci-order                 Display GPU pci bus numbers instead of sequential.
--telemetry=[port]          Local API port (default: 20000, set to 0 to disable).
  -a [port]
--localtime=[n]             Use local time instead of run time for format n=[1:4,11:14].
--show-solratio             Shows number of solutions per iteration.
--show-pers                 Shows personalisation string.
--latency                   Show current server ping latency.
--shares-detail             Show accepted/rejected shares per GPU, instead of efficiency.
--all-shares                Include fee shares on statistics.
--show-shares               Shows submitted shares/rejected shares.
--show-server               Shows the server address.
--show-mode                 Shows the kernel being used by each gpu.
--server-share              Lists percentage time connected to each server (yours and fee's).
--extra                     Alternative way to specify all the three previous arguments.
							 This will show: show-shares + show-server + server-share.

Logging options:

--csv=[filename]            Save all statistics to [filename] in CSV format.
--log                       Copy program output to miniZ.log.
--log-file=[filename]       Copy program output to [filename].
--log-period=[interval]     Interval (seconds) between periodic writes to log file.
--log-delay=[delay]         Wait [delay] seconds before starting periodic writes to log file.
--stat-int=[interval]       [interval] in seconds while reading statistics, defaults to 10.
--nonvml                    Disable GPU monitoring.
--forcenvml                 Force GPU monitoring.

Configuration file:

--read-config [filename]    Read configuration from [filename] (default: miniZ.conf).
--write-config [filename]   Write configuration to [filename] (default: miniZ.conf).

Optimisation and intensity options:

--oc1                       Combine this option with overclocking to mine faster.
--oc2                       Combine this option with overclocking to mine faster (alternative).
--ocX                       miniZ will try to find the best kernel for your GPU
--ocXsamples=[samples]      Number of samples for ocX, more [samples]->more accuracy (default 300).
--ocXreset                  Reset GPU statistics when ocX is finished.
--list-modes                List available kernels for each GPU at the beginning.
--mode[GPU]=[kernel]        Forces [GPU] to run [kernel].
--intensity=[intensity]     Specify miner desired mining speed in iterations/second.


--fee-time=[time(s)]        Minimum continuous time to mine fee (>20s)
--donate=[donation%]        Thanks for donating :-)


Using a config file is an alternative to the .bat file. If you have already set up a batch file, then you do not need Config.


    "Display" : [
            "nocolor" : 0,
            "gpu-line" : 0,
            "telemetry" : 20000,
            "show-solratio" : 0,
            "show-pers" : 0,
            "latency" : 0,
            "show-server" : 1,
            "shares-detail" : 0,
            "show-shares" : 1,
            "all-shares" : 0,
            "server-share" : 1,
            "localtime" : -1
    "Logging" : [
            "log" : 1,
            "log-file" : "miniZ.log",
            "log-period" : 0,
            "log-delay" : 0
    "Algorithm" : [
            "algo" : "210,9",
            "smart-pers" : 0
    "Servers" : [
            "id" : 0,
            "host" : "stratum+tcp://",
            "port" : "30001",
            "user" : "0xa08dbd7021784660d19bdbed3996cd5972b38ce1d39b3731a0cc1b09bb7a1625",
            "pass" : "x",
            "pers" : "auto",
            "ssl" : 0,
            "share" : 70.00000000


Please note! On the MiniZ website, you can choose to download cuda 8 or cuda 10. Cuda 10 is for newer drivers, 411.31 or newer. If you have a 10 series GPU with older drivers, download Cuda 8. Be aware that a newer RTX version (20 series) will not work on Cuda 8. You can try both Cuda 8 and 10 for GTX (series ten).

To start saving logs for miniZ, add a parameter --log to the mining configuration.

Having problems? There are many more options available for T-rex Miner. To find out more, read the setup instructions.


I would like to thank you for reading to the end. Bookmark my site in your browser. Happy mining.

Start Mining FLUX on miniZ in 5 Minutes | Full Guide

How to have miniZ select which card to use? eg. -d 0 or --device 0?

I think its this one:

--cuda-devices [devices] Enable CUDA mining on specific devices, separated by spaces.

-cd [devices]

--cuda-exclude [devices] Include all devices except the ones specified, space separated.

-cde [devices]


How to Connect to Minerpool's Flux Pool's with MiniZ (Windows)
The .gui will automatically create a .bat file for you after the first time you use it. And it will save the settings you define in the .gui file. So you can then initiate the miner from either file!


  1. Phoenixminer
  2. T-rex miner
  3. Lolminer
  4. Gminer
  5. TeamRedMiner
  6. Wildrig
  7. Ccminer

Releases and updates


  • Fixed most progpow/ethash issues.
  • Improved invalid shares on CFX.
  • Improved stability.
  • Improved autofan.
  • Added --autoclocks option to apply auto OC settings. *
  • Added --priority option to set priority to miniZ process. *
  • Added --stocksettings option to set stock settings. *

*Requires sudo (Linux)/administrator privileges (Windows)


  • Added support for AMD GPUs RX 6600/6800/6900 (XT).
  • Added support for AMD RX 590.
  • Reduced stale shares on Aion.
  • Improved stability.
  • Minor bug fixes.


  • Added support for RTX 3070 Ti and 3080 Ti LHR GPUs, on ethash.
  • Improved performance for mining locked LHR GPUs while mining ETH.
  • Improved --tune option for better GPU tuning. (See FAQ)
  • Small improvements for 3060 on 144,5.



9 minute read

Matthew Wood

Matthew Wood

Blockchain developer and crypto trader