BzMiner 21.1.5 - Download and configure (LHR) for mining

BzMiner miner: how to set up and run.

This guide describes how to start and how to use the latest version of BzMiner v21.1.5 and higher.

Download for Windows/Linux

Download from site
Download from GitHub

What is BzMiner?

BzMiner is a miner with a command line interface. It is started with a .bat file or a config.txt configuration file. It supports mining Karlsen, Dynex, Ethw, Etchash, Ergo, Rvn, Meowcoin, Neoxa, Gamepass, Clore, Neurai (xna), Olhash, Alephium, Kaspa, Radiant, Ixian, Woodcoin, Zil, Nexa, Ironfish and other coins.

The program integrates into HiveOS and MMPOS.

Auto-intensity of this software dynamically adjusts graphics card workloads, reducing latency while maintaining a high hash rate.

Commission: The devfee of this miner is between 0.5% and 2% depending on the chosen algorithm.

Coins and algo

Coin Supported GPUs Dev Fee Additional Notes
Karlsen AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1% Supports direct to node solo mining
Dynex AMD, Nvidia, Intel 2% Intel only supports POW
Ethw AMD, Nvidia, Intel 0.5%  
Etchash AMD, Nvidia, Intel 0.5%  
Ergo AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
Rvn AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
Meowcoin AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
Neoxa AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
Gamepass AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
Clore AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
Neurai (xna) AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
Olhash AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
Alephium AMD, Nvidia, Intel 0.5%  
Kaspa AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1% +1% community fund can be optionally enabled with community_fund options
Radiant AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1% +1% community fund can be optionally enabled with community_fund options
Ixian AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1% Not optimized for ubuntu 16.04
Woodcoin AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1% Use config “algo_opt” to move some processing to CPU
Zil AMD, Nvidia, Intel 0% Dual with ANY other coin
Nexa AMD, Nvidia, Intel 2% +1% community fund can be optionally enabled with community_fund options
Ironfish AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
Kylacoin AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
Novo AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
Octa AMD, Nvidia, Intel 0.5%  
Canxium AMD, Nvidia, Intel 0.5%  
Rethereum AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
Decred AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
Nexellia AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
DinarTether (DINT) AMD, Nvidia, Intel 1%  
Larissa AMD, Nvidia, Intel 0.5%  
Warthog AMD, Nvidia, Intel 2.0%  

Dual Mining

Bz was designed to run multiple algorithms on a single GPU, so ALL algorithms can be mined together, it’s just “optimized” combinations.

Algorithm Combination GPU Type Availability
Octa + Alph Nvidia Experimental
Octa + Kaspa Nvidia Experimental
Octa + Radiant Nvidia Experimental
Octa + Ironfish Nvidia Experimental
Ethw + Alph Nvidia Experimental
Ethw + Kaspa Nvidia Experimental
Ethw + Radiant Nvidia Experimental
Ethw + Ironfish Nvidia Experimental
Etc + Alph Nvidia Experimental
Etc + Kaspa Nvidia Experimental
Etc + Radiant Nvidia Experimental
Etc + Ironfish Nvidia Experimental
Ergo + Kaspa Nvidia Experimental
Ergo + Radiant Nvidia Experimental
Any Algo + Zil AMD, Nvidia -


  • At least one Nvidia GPU and Nvidia drivers
  • Or at least one AMD GPU and AMD drivers.
  • Windows or Linux.

How to set up BzMiner

Step 1 - Download the miner

Download the miner from two official sources to choose from:

  1. Go to the site. Find the "Releases" section and below "Assets":


  2. Download the most recent version from the top of the spreadsheet for Windows 10.
  3. Unpack the downloaded archive .


Step 2 - Configure BzMiner

After extracting the archive, you need to create the .bat files.


In the same folder as bzminer.exe, you need to create or modify an existing file with the extension .bat.

Just create a file .txt and give it the extension .bat.

Open the .bat file with Notepad. Below is a sample configuration for a Binance pool. You need to enter the following commands into it:

bzminer -a ethash -w username1 -p ethproxy+tcp://

Instead username1 just enter your username from the Binance pool. For more information, see What is a Binance Account and How Do I Open One?

Step 3 - Run the miner

Now you need to start the miner.

Important note! You don't start bzminer.exe. Instead, you click on the .bat file you just created .

So, after starting the program for a few minutes, you will see a window with a hash rate:

BZMiner Saved GPU Mining And NEXA. NEXA+ZIL
BZMiner Saved GPU Mining And NEXA. NEXA+ZIL
BZMiner Nexa Nexa+zil


Hive OS update command:

rm -fr /tmp/*; cd /tmp; wget; tar -xvf bzminer_v13.0.1b6_linux.tar.gz; miner stop; cp bzminer_v13.0.1b6_linux/bzminer /hive/miners/bzminer/12.2.0/; miner start

Optimal GPU overclocking settings for the Nexa + Zil coin:

  • "oc_lock_memory_clock": "[[5000,0]]" For all NVIDIA 16x-40x series
  • "oc_lock_core_clock": "[[1560,1500]]" For all NVIDIA 16x-40x series. 3080/3080ti/3090 FTW3,STRIX,SUPRIM [1680,1500]
  • "oc_core_clock_offset": "[[240,0]]" All series 30x, 2080. All 16x, all series below 2080 [90,0]. 3080/3080ti/3090 FTW3,STRIX,SUPRIM [270.0]
  • "oc_memory_clock_offset": "[[0,2000]]" For the first algo 0. For the second algo, those values that were set when mining on the Ethash algorithm.

Important: If we lower the core frequency, then we increase the offset frequency and vice versa (15 MHz step).


--a2 zil --w2 KraMra9Nebd6s1hgVA62tcxYG41Ba1H4Qzi  
--p2 ethproxy+tcp://  
--cache_dag 1 
--oc_lock_memory_clock 5000  
--oc_lock_memory_clock2 0  
--oc_lock_core_clock 1680  
--oc_lock_core_clock2 1500  
--oc_core_clock_offset 90 240 200 
--oc_core_clock_offset2 0  
--oc_memory_clock_offset 0  
--oc_memory_clock_offset2 2000 2500 2500

Windows batch file:

bzminer -a nexa -w nexa:nqtsq5g5st7cuaykumglgtk5zfhhvytt8h90q4ack33tu90a -p --nc 1 --a2 zil --w2 KraMra9Nebd6s1hgVA62tcxYG41Ba1H4Qzi   --p2 ethproxy+tcp://   --cache_dag 1  --oc_lock_memory_clock 5000   --oc_lock_memory_clock2 0   --oc_lock_core_clock 1680   --oc_lock_core_clock2 1500   --oc_core_clock_offset 240  --oc_core_clock_offset2 0   --oc_memory_clock_offset 0   --oc_memory_clock_offset2 1250


Getting BZminer for Dynex Mining

Let it install 21.1.3b7 - Once you have verified it has installed run the following command to do upgrade to the bzminer beta

wget; tar -xvf bzminer_v21.1.3b7_linux.tar.gz; miner stop; cp bzminer_v21.1.3b7_linux/bzminer /hive/miners/bzminer/21.1.1/; miner start

Configuring for Ethermine

Pool address
PORT: 4444
Wallet address: 0xada842613541e55e2500478892a334cde74ff653


  1. 0xada842613541e55e2500478892a334cde74ff653 - specify your wallet.
  2. - specify the address of the pool.
  3. 4444 - specify the port of the pool.



bzminer -a ethash -w 0xada842613541e55e2500478892a334cde74ff653 -p stratum+tcp://

Setting up a batch file for Nicehash


  1. 3P7qADz69quhfyK5e9kvfno6Jyjq4Rcocx - indicate the crypto wallet from the NiceHash account.
  2. - indicate the address of the mining pool.
  3. 3353 - specify the port of the pool.



bzminer -a ethash -w 3P7qADz69quhfyK5e9kvfno6Jyjq4Rcocx -p stratum+tcp://

Source: - BzMiner setup.


Algorithms and hashrate

Algorithm / GPU 2080 Ti 2070 2060 2080 1080 Ti P102 1070 P104 1060 RX4xx/5xx VEGA56
Ethereum(Ethash) (MH/s) 51.8 37.8 28.6 38.26 48.5 46.96 29.8 38.1 24.0 30 47
Ethereum Classic (Etchash) (MH/s) 51.8 37.8 28.6 38.26 48.5 46.96 29.8 38.1 24.0 30 47
Ravencoin (Kawpow) (MH/s) 31.5 21.0 18.0 26.5 48.0 14.5 14.5 38.1 9.0 10 22

Commands and options

List of required commands:

  • -a TEXT Choose a mining algorithm. For example: “Ethash”.
  • -w TEXT Choose a mining algorithm. For example: “Ethash”.
  • -p TEXT .. An array of pool addresses. For example: stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp://


-h,--help Print help message and exit

-a TEXT Default Mining algorithm. eg. ‘ethash’

-r TEXT Default Rig (worker/username) name. eg. ‘Rig’

--pool_password TEXT Default Pool password

--nvidia INT Only mine with Nvidia devices (0 = false, 1 = true)

--amd INT Only mine with AMD devices (0 = false, 1 = true)

-o TEXT If provided, output will be logged to this file

-w TEXT Wallet Address

-p TEXT ... Array of Pool Addresses. eg. stratum+tcp:// stratum+tcp://

-v INT Set log verbosity. 0 = Error, 1 = warn, 2 = info 3 = debug, 4 = network

-c TEXT Config file to load settings from. Default is config.txt

-i INT Set mining intensity (1 - 32). Higher means more gpu spends more time hashing. Default is 8.

-u INT Update frequency in milliseconds. Default is 10000.

-g INT Ramp up miner rather than start at full speed.

-b INT Cooldown period. 0 = disabled. Higher value means longer time between cooldown periods. default is 0

--nc INT Do not save to the config file (but still read from it).

--cpu_validate INT Validate solutions on cpu before sending to pool.

--test INT Test mine. Useful for setting up overclocks.

--http_enabled INT Enable or disable HTTP API. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled Default is enabled.

--http_address TEXT Set IP address for HTTP API to listen on. Default is

--http_port INT Set which port the HTTP API listens on. default is 4014.

--http_password TEXT Set password for HTTP API. If not set, HTTP API will not be enabled. default is empty.

--force_opencl INT Force all devices to use the OpenCL implementation (if possible).

--reset_oc_dag_gen INT Reset overclocks before dag generation. Clocks will be set back after dag is generated. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled

--devices Only log devices. Does not start miner

100% LHR unlocker

BzMiner introduced a 100% LHR unlocker.

If a card becomes unstable (eg. lhr exception), lower overclocks, and lower --lhr_stability.

--lhr_stability has an impact on both hashrate and stability of the LHR unlock. Higher values will increase hashrate, but may cause GPUs to crash. Lower values are more stable, but may cause LHR to trigger momentarily, lowering hashrate a little. Play with it.

To disable the LHR unlocker, set --lhr_stability to 0. Default is 100.

The LHR unlock can sometimes trigger an “LHR Exception”. If this happens, lower the --lhr_stability option. This “exception” will allow the device to continue mining, but at a much slower speed. It requires a hard device reset to recover, which means restarting the pc. BzMiner provides the --lhr_exception option, which if set to true and a card experiences the LHR exception, will reboot the pc.

  • --lhr_stability INT … - Set the LHR Unlock Stability value for each device. Lower is more stable, higher is less stable and higher hashrate. Default is 100.
  • --lhr_exception_reboot - Reboot the pc when an LHR exception happens on a device (device hard reset currently requires pc reboot).
KASPA mining tutorial Windows & HiveOS

Run a node:
kaspad /utxoindex:

Create a wallet:
kaspawallet create:

Run wallet daemon
kaspawallet start-daemon

Check balance (with daemon running):
kaspawallet balance

Run tmrlvi gpu miner:
kaspaGPUminer.exe -s [Node IP or address] -a [KASPA address] --workload [number]

for AMD add:
--opencl-enable and replace --workload with --opencl-workload

Dual Mining

BzMiner allows you to set overclocking for each dual mining algorithm. Be aware that extreme overclocking settings can cause the GPU to freeze (crash) much more easily in this scenario. For this reason, the oc_delay_ms configuration option is used to give the OC time to power up before switching to the next algorithm.

Here is an example dual lane configuration with overclocking options for each algorithm:

    "pool_configs": [{
            "algorithm": "ethash",
            "wallet": "0000",
            "url": ["stratum+tcp://"],
            "lhr_only": false
        }, {
            "algorithm": "alph",
            "wallet": "0000",
            "url": ["stratum+tcp://", "stratum+tcp://"],
            "username": "alph_rig",
            "lhr_only": false
    "pool": [0, 1],
    "intensity": [0],
    "multi_mine_ms": [5000, 15000],
    "rig_name": "ethash_rig",
    "log_file": "",
    "clear_log_file": false,
    "nvidia_only": false,
    "amd_only": false,
    "lock_config": false,
    "advanced_config": false,
    "oc_delay_ms": 100,
    "device_overrides": [{
            "uid": "1:0",
            "name": "EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra",
            "start_mining": true,
            "lhr_mine_ms": [5000, 15000],
            "oc_fan_speed": [-1],
            "oc_power_limit": [0],
            "oc_core_clock_offset": [-200, 50],
            "oc_memory_clock_offset": [1100, 0],
            "oc_lock_core_clock": [0],
            "oc_lock_memory_clock": [0, 810]


Are there alternatives to this program? Yes, for example:


Thanks for reading to the end. Bookmark in your browser. Happy mining.

Alephium & Ethereum Dual Mining in Windows and Hive OS using Metapool (Metapool)

Versions and updates


  • Finally added AMD for nexa support!
  • Fixed +zil on AMD
  • Improved dual mining switching (+zil, alternate, optimized, and parallel mining)
  • Now showing estimated time before next switch when alternate mining





  • New coin: Ergo (0.5% dev fee)
  • New coin: Neoxa (0.5% dev fee)
  • New dual: Ergo + Kaspa (Nvidia only)
  • Improved Kaspa AMD performance (AMD, THANKS WOLF!)
  • Improved Overall AMD performance on all algos
  • Replaced kawpow with rvn. (kawpow still works for backwards compatibility)
  • Now supports both Kaspa pool protocols (and still solo mining)
  • Network stability updates
  • Updated tbs_watchdog to support time since last share rather than based on estimated tbs
  • by default, will use est. tbs percentage before watchdog is triggered (value of 100 would be 100x ext before watchdog is triggered)
  • appending s, m, h, or d will result in tbs only triggering after no shares found for specified amount of time
  • eg. "tbs_watchdog": "2.5m" will cause tbs watchdog to trigger if no shares found for 2.5 minutes
  • Updated uptime format (removed seconds)
  • Updated status column, put LHR in parenthesis
  • Added tsls column option, time since last share
  • Reset overclocks on exit
  • Added opencl_workgroup_size option
  • Added console inputs:
  • Esc : Shutdown BzMiner
  • Space : Refresh console output
  • Arrow Keys : Adjust intensity (up/down first algo, left/right second algo)
  • Fixed system time change causing mainloop to not respond
  • Fixed multi mining issue with reconnecting one pool causes all pools to reconnect
  • Fixed extra nonce issue on some algos
  • Fixed BzMiner exit sequence
  • EXPERIMENTAL: Timings (very experimental, and probably buggy)
  • Replaced log_device_timings with advanced_device_timings
  • Shows timings table (Nvidia Only)
  • Some timings may be incorrect, this will be fixed in a future release
  • stores timings in config.txt in device_overrides
  • Can set all timings by setting set_timings to true. THIS MAY NOT WORK! (only works for nvidia 10 series currently, but working on later cards!)
"timings": {
    "set_timings": true,
    "rc": 98,
    "ras": 61,
    "rcdrd": 39,
    "rcdwr": 31,
    "faw": 20,
    "rp": 37,
    "wr": 40,
    "cl": 31,
    "ccdl": 3,
    "ccds": 2,
    "ref": 4,
    "rrd": 5


  • Improved Kaspa hashrate (Nvidia)
  • Improved Eth/Etc + Kaspa hashrate (Nvidia)
  • Fixed Kawpow crash bug
  • Fixed windows bat files

What’s in this release (v10.0.1 Hotfix)

  • Fixed nvrtc dll issue
  • Added max_log_history option for gui console log history
  • GUI: Group totals by algo + pool + wallet

What’s in this release (v10.0.0)

  • New coin: Woodcoin
  • Woodcoin: cpu optimization flag "algo_opt" set to 1 for pre-processing on CPU
  • Dual mining: Fixed low hashrate for for LHR cards
  • Dual mining: Removed "empty package" errors
  • Dual mining: Fixed invalid ethash shares on some pools
  • Ixian: Fixed rejected shares issue
  • Ixian: Fixed HTTPS issue
  • Zil: Fixed mining zil window with nicehash eth
  • Added efficiency to http api /status
  • Changed batch files for 2miners to use ethproxy instead of ethstratum
  • Fixed http gui log console not showing all logs
  • Fixed windows batch files for running as admin
  • Disabled Kaspa dev team fee by default
  • Fixed reboot_after_watchdog_restarts typo in config.txt
  • Fixed hide_unused_devices from config.txt file









  • Optimized CPU usage for Alephium.
  • Fixed network stability issues.
  • Higher AMD Alephium Hashrate.
  • Fixed Alephium algo bug causing some rejected shares.


  • Displaying BzMiner version in corner of output table.
  • Added seconds to date/time output.
  • Added optional startup script (if specified, BzMiner will call the script start_script in config.txt when it starts up).
  • Added ability to change pool reconnect delay (delay_before_connection_retry in config.txt).


  • Support extra nonce from pool (Thanks WoolyPooly).
  • Fixed unsupported message from pool considered as rejected.
  • By default does not clear log_file.
  • Added new option to config, clear_log_file.


  • added mining.authorize request to stratum.
  • fixed difficulty != 1 bug causing high hashrate and invalid shares.
  • Thanks: WoolyPooly, Dmitrius, VVV, HGurkann).


  • Alephium stability issues fixed.
  • Slight improvement to Alephium hashrate.
  • Found shares submitted faster (less stales).
  • Fixed sort order of GPUs.


  • New algo: Olhash (Overline, 1% dev fee).
  • Fixed hung GPU detection and response bugs.
  • CLI display updates.


  • New Algorithm!
    • Kawpow (Ravencoin) mining for both AMD and Nvidia cards
  • New (experimental) LHR Strategy:
    • Dual coin mining (ethash + kawpow)
  • Multi coin mining is now supported:
    • Devices can now mine as many coins as they have room in their memory for the DAGs
  • New config options:
    • “lock_config” : prevents BzMiner from writing to the config file
    • “log_solutions” : whether to log each solution found to the output
    • “auto_detect_lhr” : whether BzMiner should attempt to detect whether a card is LHR or not
    • “no_color” : if true, output will not have color. Some terminals show the color characters and can mess up the display
    • “dag_dev_ref” : Instead of generating the DAG, copy the DAG from another device. Nvidia only currently. useful for high oc’s
    • “calc_dag_crc”: whether the CRC should be calculated for the DAG or not. has an impact on DAG generation time
  • Other updates:
    • Some stability fixes (and entirely new pool/device architecture)
    • API’s updated to support new architecture
    • Removed Nvidia driver dependency
    • shortened pool status message
    • added ability to copy DAG from another device instead of generating it
  • Bugs:
    • fixed miner not reporting hashrate to pool
    • realtime device clock speed reporting
    • fixed amd dag generation with many devices
    • rejected shares showing up as invalids


  • LHR detection (there is currently no LHR bypass function, only detection).



13 minute read

Matthew Wood

Matthew Wood

Blockchain developer and crypto trader